Fair Labor Standards Act for 警察 and Fire Employees
Information MemoLearn about special issues in applying the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to police and fire employees.
Fire Department Management and Liability Issues
Information MemoOutlines the structure of volunteer or paid-on-call fire departments and management challenges in personnel, 财务状况, and facility safety.
Public Safety Duty Disability Law: What Cities Need to Know
Get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on what cities need to know regarding Minnesota's new public safety duty disability…
Peer Support Standards and Training Guidelines
These guidelines and standards are intended to provide best practices and recommendations for forming and maintaining a peer support structure…
PTSD and Mental Health Toolkit Portal
PTSD and other mental health conditions are treatable, and in many cases, preventable.
Potential Infectious Disease Exposures in Municipal Operations
Information MemoLearn about infectious disease vaccinations for city workers, especially tuberculosis (TB) and how it spreads.
Opioid Epidemic Information and 稳定的十大彩票网站
A listing of reliable resources created by organizations with expertise and experience in responding to the opioid epidemic.
Training Safety Officer (TSO) Program
Prevent training injuries to public safety responders through the League Insurance Trust's Training Safety Officer Program.
Volunteer Firefighter Retirement Plan
Explanation of the law that created the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Retirement Plan and how cities can choose to participate.